While you’re channeling the Spring energy, take some time and let’s clean out those makeup bags. With the new season comes changes in trends and colors you want to wear. Also, it’s a great time to try something new. I have a few tips and suggestions to help you get started.
Read MoreWhat we often overlook are the non-tangible ways in which we can “Spring clean” our lives and even our businesses. We worry about hurting so called friendships or looking foolish more than we are concerned with our own well-being and futures. I’m here to tell you to STOP!
Read MoreNetwork marketing, direct sales, multi-level marketing; regardless of the name you give the industry, you know what I’m referring to. Now before you roll your eyes and click the exit button hear me out. I too am annoyed with countless sales pitches and cold messages, particularly via social media, but there is a good reason it seems to be everywhere.
Read MoreMany people work their entire lives for success. Whether you define this by income, title or achievement, we’re all striving towards it in one way or another. As a driven and over-working type person, I thought once that when I had more money and success, things would get easier.
Read MoreYou read that title right! And no, I’m not crazy. Let’s face it...we all need more time, but the reality is we all get the same 24 hours each day, 7 days a week.
Read MoreWhen I was little, I can remember my mama saying that things would come back in style “one day”. Well, as I approach my 20th year since high school graduation, I can see what she means.
Read MoreIf you know me at all you know that I love sun, sand and warm weather. I feel at home at the beach whether it’s locally or abroad. Over the last few years I have been fortunate to travel to several tropical locations both with my job and otherwise. I’ve been home from Costa Rica for only about 5 days, but I’m already planning my next vacay.
Read MoreMy 2019 calendar is filled with lots of travel, both domestic and abroad. Having so many trips planned, I’m all about the hacks to make packing easier. In true Holly fashion, I’m sharing a few of my favorite new finds from Amazon.
Read MoreLike you, my calendar is usually jam packed with work, school and kid activities. However, this week it has been completely clear! Say what?! I seriously didn’t know whether I was dreaming or if I had made a lot of mistakes.
Read MoreBy February most folks have forgotten about the fresh start, new habits or changes they wanted to make for the year. You probably faltered once and said, “The heck with it.” No worries. I’ve had my moments too, but I’ll have to say this year has been different. Why? Because I have taken control.
Read MoreAfter an exciting vacation to Disney World, I am so excited to share with you my tips and tricks to make your park experience wonderful! I had been to Disney three times prior, but this was my first trip as an adult and my, how things have changed in the last 20 years!
Read MoreWhen you think of your local chamber of commerce, you think of the rows of Mom & Pop businesses in your town. Ribbon cuttings, receptions and the little sticker displayed in their window. These are all signs they’ve “made it” in our definition of business. It’s what I really love about a small town commercial district.
Read MoreI think we have all almost survived the longest month of the year! And you know my household wouldn’t have made it without Amazon Prime.
I’ve gathered a list of my 5 most favorite items so far of 2019 and how they’ve made life a little more bearable.
Read MoreEven the strongest of us need support. Maybe not every day, but at various times in our lives, things happen where we rely on the strength of others to help us. I’m no different. There are times and things I have stayed private about but I also know that my trials could benefit others.
Read MoreWe all need some assitance when starting new routines. Here are 5 simple things that are keeping me on track to reach my goals for the New Year.
Have you ever just wanted to quit on your goals before you were even half way there? Or even wanted to quit once you realized how hard it would be to sustain them? SISTER, I GET IT! However, this is what I have learned, and the importance of pushing through.
Read More2019 is all about bringing simplicity into my life. Here are 5 ways I am doing that this year, in hopes of creating more structure.
Read MoreEarlier this week I shared my word of the year with you-SIMPLICITY. Unfortunately, it isn’t going to happen by itself. Here are a few ways I plan to implement more simplicity and structure into my life this year.
Read MoreAnd simplicity doesn’t mean not having or doing “things.” It means getting back to the core of what makes us a family, what makes me the best mom and wife and what makes me the best leader.
Read MoreWe made it. It’s come and gone once again; always faster than the last.
And here’s the reality. It stinks.
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