How Doing Less Can Actually Be More

Whew! It’s been a minute since I last wrote but that doesn’t mean I’ve been idle. As you know, I shared my word for the year to be intentional and that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do. Why blow up your inbox with more useless info right? Instead, my goal this year is to bring more value to your life, even if that means less often. So today I want to share a few simple practices that regardless of what you do for a living, can help you to become more productive and intentional this year.

Last week you saw me share that I had been ranked 33 in sales for 2019 for LimeLife, out of approximately 30,000 Beauty Guides. So how does that happen without being all over your social media newsfeed, knocking down your door, blowing up messages and all those other annoying tactics? Simple...consistency. You can eye roll now because I’ve done it too. But here are the facts.

I have worked my job with Limelife like a real job every day for over 4 years. Yes, I took time off. But what I mean is even on the days when it wasn’t fun, I didn’t feel like it or it just plain sucked, I pulled it together and did what I needed to do to move forward. And here’s a newsflash: that didn’t mean I had to be on social media. It is OKAY to step away from social media. I did it quite often in 2019. Let me repeat. It is OKAY to step away from social media. While it has taken me a while to learn this lesson, it has proven to be my saving grace. Gone are the days of burnout, keeping up with Sally Sue and being made to feel less than. Do I still have those moments? Of course, because I’m human but I’m learning to not let them define me or stop me. My purpose is greater. 

  • Tip #1: Sign out, delete the app or put the phone down. Whichever method works for you, the world will continue. 

When I started this venture, of course I wanted to sell makeup and skincare.  I wanted to make an income from that to pay off debts, provide more for my family and leave the job I was unhappy with.  With hard work and determination, all of those things have come to fruition and it has brought me to the point today where I know my mission is greater.  While selling the products is still very enjoyable, I am here to inspire. LimeLife, whether it’s the products or the opportunity, is not for everyone. I get that.  It once bothered me when I didn’t make the sale or gain the new team member, but when I realized that I wanted to inspire others to be their best self I became much happier.  

  • Tip #2: Stop looking at what’s in it for you and think about how someone else can benefit.  Having a servant’s heart will lead you to a whole new level of peace and happiness.

Finally, both of these bring me to being intentional.  Yes, I chose this as my word of the year and I think last year God was preparing me for just that in making me step away and find that servant’s heart.  Funny how he does that to us, huh?

  • The final tip, Tip #3, BE INTENTIONAL. Whatever you do, make sure it is serving you and others well.  We have this one life to live and my goodness is it short!  

I’ll end with this. “Make moves in silence.  Let success be your noise.” 

Blessings and love this year and beyond!